How I fired my boss and began making money online and the top 5 reasons why I fired my boss 2019

 Believe what's in front of your face!

 Does anyone else understand that the job duties are stressful and that the long term returns are small? What about the job burnout?

How many committed workers do you know living the dream with their social security checks? How about those living on disability checks?

Okay, so let me tell you how I fired my boss this week!

It all happened on a dreaded Monday morning. I was initially tired from running my business over the weekend. I woke up, said my prayers, did my hygiene, and got dressed for work.

Before I could walk out the door I turned to look at my husband and children, I asked my husband, "If I quit this job today do you think I'll be better off in business?", he said yes.

I took the moment to tell myself that I'd never second guess my time again, so I called the job and told my general manager that I was never coming into work again and that I would now run my business full time from here (home)!

I'm not sure whether she was shocked, disappointed, or proud, but all she said was, "I need your badge". No, 'fare well', no, 'best of luck', just a dry and lifeless desire to retrieve my badge.

At that moment I realized that a job was not for me or even most people. To take it a step further, I'll say that even my boss wanted more freedom from her boss but decided to settle for mediocrity.

Here are my top 5 reasons why I fired my boss to make more money online.

1. I started to value my time more
2. I needed more freedom to leverage my income
3. The pay was not enough
4. I felt that I was too good and my talent was being wasted with them.
5. The inconveniences were not worth it

Now I work for myself in 3 main area of business.
A. Affiliate Marketing
B. Ecommerce Marketing
C. Multi-Level Marketing

This is the book I was reading when I made the decision to fire my boss, Taking People With You, by David Novak

This book is a leadership workbook on moving with others, I do a lot of recruiting so I found this one to be invaluable.

Now that I've boldly done it, I want to take the Harriet Tubman approach and take some people with me to the laptop lifestyle and beyond. (Join me at no cost)

 Where are the ones who desire to make more money, work less hours, and truly help other people with their business?

Right now in addition to affiliate marketing, I have two great business opportunities that I'm working and would like to share.

1. The CTFO online business and product line

CTFO will always be free to join.

2. The PRIMERICA Business Opportunity

 Are you willing to invest $125 for a shot of a lifetime, knowing that you will also receive a free life insurance license (more if wanted). Want to make your new business? If you answered yes, contact me by email and let's get you started.

 We buy food and shoes and those things will never pay us back. This will pay you!
Anyone want to understand the value of overriding, active, and residual income working together to produce a wealth that can be passed down for generations? Email me today

Learn more about the PRIMERICA opportunity:
 *USA only* *serious business only*

I have a resource that will help aid you in your online and offline recruiting,

Let's turn it over to you.
Do you ever want to fire your boss?
How did you transition to your current position?

Leave it all in the comments.

Thanks for reading!


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